

Seeking New Board Members

It’s time to elect FOUR  new board members to Women in Film Portland!

#165515133 / gettyimages.com

Women in Film Portland is a membership organization that is managed solely by a strong working board – a group of media professionals who have participated in WIF and who care deeply about its ability to thrive and continue to successfully support women in all fields of the media industry throughout Oregon.  Below is some basic information about the WIF board of directors:

–       Currently our board is made up of 9 women (but we’d gladly support any men who wish to step up and run for the board — men can support and encourage women too!).  This year we are looking to fill 4open slots on the board.

–       Board members now serve 3-year terms, which will begin on January 1, 2015.

–       Board meetings are held every other month and you must attend the meetings (if you have to miss some we can work with you on that, but we really need attendance at the board meetings to be a priority).  There is also one full day required organizational retreat per year; this usually occurs in January.

–       We are a working board and all board members are expected to participate in managing programs and fundraising events and to keep WIF operating with efficiency and integrity.  Every board member is expected to take the lead on at least one organizational activity or task.

–       To run for the board you must be a member of WIF Portland and your membership dues must be up to date.

This year we are also specifically looking for people who will be able to participate in and help lead our communications team, specifically writing and implementing our quarterly newsletter, and/or coordinating our meet-ups and coffees.  We are also looking for people with strong business/non profit management skills who can help our chapter sustain itself into the future.  

If you have either of these skill sets, please reach out to us and consider running for the board.


If you would like to run for the board please submit the following materials by October 1, 2014 (please email all materials to andrea@lionhorseproductions.com):

  1. In 250 words or less, please explain why you’d like to join the board (you may include in this what your experience is with WIF, what knowledge, skills, or passions you would like to contribute to WIF, what programs or events you’d like to work on, etc.).
  1. In 250 words or less, please tell us about yourself and your work (this is just a short bio).
  1. A digital photograph of yourself in a JPG format (this can be a professional headshot or casual snapshot – we just want to see your face ☺).

If you have any questions about what it means to be a board member, or if you’re wondering whether or not this is the right role for you, or if you just want to talk to someone about their experiences on the board, please feel free to contact Andrea Leoncavallo at 732-713-8473 or andrea@lionhorseproductions.comPlease don’t be shy!  This is a great opportunity for all members and if you care about WIF you’d probably make a great board member!


Thank you so much and we look forward to hearing from you,

Women in Film Portland Board of Directors

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